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Java File Operations
File operations in Java.
A File is an abstract data type in Java. Creating, writing, reading, deleting, and retrieving information are all File Operations. [1]
To understand file operations we need to understand streams. [1]
A stream refers to a series of data. In Java, Streams in Java are divided into two types: Byte Stream and Character Stream.[1]
Byte Stream deals mostly with byte data. A file handling process with a byte stream is one in which the byte data is used to execute an input. Java byte streams are utilized to perform 8-bit byte input and output. For secure processes, this is the best option.[1][2]
Character Stream’s major focus is character data. A file handling procedure with a character stream is one in which an input is given and the character data is executed. Java Character streams are used to perform input and output for 16-bit Unicode [1][2]
Java File Class Methods: [1]
Boolean canRead(): Can we read the file’s data?
Boolean createNewFile(): Creates a new empty file.
Boolean canWrite(): Can we write…