How Can I Improve My English Writing Skills?

Cahit Barkin Ozer
24 min readJul 22, 2023


My notes about the IELTS writing exam.

I have gathered the most important information about the IELTS writing exam.


Writing allows you to communicate your thoughts and ideas to the reader. As a result, choose jargon that is simple to understand.

  • Only use words that you can easily spell.
  • Use words that go naturally together — collocation, and include idiomatic language/phrasal verbs in your essay. This proves to the examiner that you can use a range of vocabulary.
  • Check for spelling errors and typos after you complete your writing task.
  • Less common words are expected to be used. These words are not supposed to be hard but have to be words that are not stumbled upon in our daily life.

Part 1

You will write:

  • A letter.
  • Minimum 150 words.
  • About a situation or problem (complaint, request, invitation, apology).
  • Any formality (informal to a friend, semi-formal to a colleague, formal to someone you do not know).
  • In 20 minutes.

You need to add:

  • The purpose of your letter
  • Details that respond to each bullet point in the question
  • A rounding-off statement
  • A closing salutation, and your name.

Do not:

  • Do not use slang even if it is informal
  • Do not copy the text in the question directly without paraphrasing

Part 2

  • An essay
  • Minimum 250 words
  • The topic in part 2 can be opinion, advantages and disadvantages, problems and solutions.
  • Formal and neutral tone (no slang or colloquial language)
  • In 40 min.
  • Has 2x weight by the part 1.

Score Banding Rules

A script must fully fit the good aspects of the description. Band 7 corresponds to the advanced English level C1.

Scoring criteria for Academic and General Training tests (zoom in to see)

Part 1 Writing Examples

Jeff did not perform well as a salesperson

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express my disappointment with the service I received last week.

I went to your shop to purchase an oven. I was familiar with your shop and know that you sell good products with a quality service. I looked for a salesperson that could help me with the products and their prices for ten minutes. After I found one, whose name was Jeff, he know very little about my questions. Eventually, he went to answer a phone and did not come back.

I am disappointed that you would employ a person who is unaware of the products. I would like to receive a written apology from your staff Jeff and I want to receive a positive shopping experience next time I visit your shop. I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,
Cahit Barkın Özer

This text result got the following from this website []:

Grade Level: 5-6
Reading Level: fairly easy to read.
Reader's Age: 10–11 yrs. olds (Fifth and Sixth graders)

Let’s increase the fluency using Quillbot ( to get a better score:

Dear Sir/Madame, I'm writing to voice my frustration with the service I received last week.

I came to your store to buy an oven. I was familiar with your store and knew you sold wonderful things and provided excellent service. For 10 minutes, I sought a salesman who could assist me with the items and their costs. When I finally located one, his name was Jeff, and he had no idea about my inquiries. He eventually went to answer the phone and did not return.

I am disappointed that you would hire someone who is unfamiliar with the items. Jeff, I would want to get a written apology from your personnel, and I would like to have a nice shopping experience the next time I visit your store. I eagerly await your return.

Yours sincerely,
Cahit Barkn Özer

This got a better result:

Grade Level: 7
Reading Level: fairly easy to read.
Reader's Age: 11-13 yrs. old (Sixth and Seventh graders)

Another question:

You looked after a friend’s residence while he or she was on vacation. You broke one of the windows while you were there.
Write to your pal. According to the letter,
Describe what happened.
Apology for breaking the window.
Explain how you intend to resolve the problem.

Dear Onur, I am writing to you to express my sorriness about the window I broke while I was looking after your house.

I visited your house to water your plants and check if everything is safe while you are away. It was nearly noon and you know how your kitchen heats up at that hour in summer. I only wanted to get a cold glass of water. After I grabbed my drink I decided to open your kitchen window to cool down the room. But as far as I understand from the dangling motion your window did when I opened it, it was slightly broken. And when I was trying to open it, the window frame, fell down and broke.

I plan to change the window frame tomorrow and pay all the expenses by myself so please do not worry about anything.

Yours sincerely,
Cahit Barkın Özer.

This website checks your IELTS score:


Grade Level: 8
Reading Level: fairly easy to read.
Reader's Age: 12-14 yrs. old (Seventh and Eighth graders)

Let’s still try to improve our score.

Improved version:

Dear Mr Onur, I'm writing to offer my apologies for breaking the window while looking after your property.

I came to your house to water your plants and make sure everything is okay while you are gone. It was nearing noon, and you know how hot your kitchen gets at that time of day in the summer. I just wanted a cold drink of water. I chose to open your kitchen window once I had my drink to cool off the room. But, based on the hanging motion your window made when I opened it, that window was partially damaged. And, regrettably, as I tried to open it, the window frame came down and broke. I want to replace the window frame tomorrow and will cover all costs myself, so please do not be concerned.

With my best wishes,

Cahit Barkn Ozer

The score:

Grade Level: 6
Reading Level: easy to read.
Reader's Age: 10-11 yrs. olds (Fifth and Sixth graders)

Surprisingly, even though we improved the fluency using AI, the score dropped. Remember, this is a letter for a friend, so keep it casual. Use synonyms and the paraphrased language instead of the terms in the question.

Airlines lost your suitcase

You have just come back from a holiday overseas. When you arrived back, you discovered that the airline had lost your suitcase. Write to the Customer Relations department of the airline. In the letter, explain the situation describe the suitcase and its contents  say what you want the airline to do.

Dear Customer Service Representatives,
I’m writing to you regarding my misplaced suitcase.
I just got back from the airport and discovered that one of my luggage is missing. I saw my luggage while I was giving it before The suitcase was striped in vivid red and black. The suitcase’s cover was cloth rather than hardback, and the texture was firm. I was carrying my laptop, and also several of my T-shirts. I’d like you to look for my luggage. It is really important to me because I use that laptop for business.
I’m hoping you’ll be able to locate my suitcase as soon as possible.
Cahit Barkın Özer


Grade Level: 6
Reading Level: fairly easy to read.
Reader's Age: 10-11 yrs. olds (Fifth and Sixth graders)

The Neighbour’s dog barks all-day

You have just had new neighbours move into the apartment next to you. They have a dog which barks all day while they are at work. You have tried to talk to them but nothing had changed. Write to your local council to complain about the dog. In the letter, explain the situation describe the dog and the noise it makes  say what you want the council to do.

Dear local council,
I am writing about an important complaint of mine about my neighbour’s dog.
Last week our new neighbours move into their apartment on the second floor, door number 4. First, we welcomed them warmheartedly but later their black with brown spotted Rottweiler breed pet named Champion started to bark at night. Because of this, we had a hard time sleeping at night. I would like to inform you about my trying to talk with my neighbour. He nodded and agreed with me and said he will find a way to solve this but unfortunately, since that day nothing has changed. We are still having trouble sleeping a continuous sleep at night. I am asking you to enforce my neighbour to isolate one of their room and let their dog stay in that room at night. Doing this might resolve the problem without distressing the poor dog too much.
I hope you can find a way to resolve this problem as soon as possible.
Cahit Barkın Özer

Linsear Write Formula : 7.8
Grade Level: 7
Reading Level: fairly easy to read.
Reader's Age: 11–13 yrs. old (Sixth and Seventh graders)

Invitation to the party

Your friend has just had a new baby and you are having a party for them. Write a letter to another friend inviting them to the party and asking them to contribute to a present. In the letter, explain the reason for the party and the time of the party  give directions to your house ask them to contribute money for a present.

Dear Jhonny,

I am writing to you to invite you to the party I am having for our friend Jimmy because of their newborn baby Alex.

We will welcome little Alex to the world and congratulate Jimmy. The party will be on the seventh of July 2023 at 1 pm at my house. My apartment is located in Bale Day Street, building number 16, the one right next to the fencing club, on the second floor, door number 8, Beykoz / Istanbul. Also, we are preparing a check to gift to Jimmy to support him financially. Having a kid is very costly as you already know. Hence it would be great to see your contribution to the gift as well.

I am waiting for your answer with excitement.

Cahit Barkın Özer

Linsear Write Formula : 7.4
Grade Level: 6
Reading Level: fairly easy to read.
Reader's Age: 10–11 yrs. olds (Fifth and Sixth graders)

Request for an extension on your assignment

You are studying mathematics at university and have an assignment next week. You have been sick. Write a letter to your teacher asking for an extension on your assignment. In the letter, explain that you are a student the mathematics class explain that you have been sick ask for an extension.

Dear Sir,
I am writing to you to inform you about my condition.
I am a student with student number 123123, studying mathematics at our university and attending your Mathematics101 class. I have been suffering from an illness for the past couple of weeks and couldn’t be able to meet the deadlines of your assignment. This lesson is one of the fundamental lessons in our programme, and I want to get a high degree. Hence I do not want to get a low score because of a sickness that is out of my control. Therefore, I would like you to extend my assignment’s deadline so I can prepare quality homework.
I hope you can help me in this manner.
Cahit Barkın Özer

Linsear Write Formula : 8.6
Grade Level: 8
Reading Level: standard / average.
Reader's Age: 12–14 yrs. old (Seventh and Eighth graders)

Write to your manager that you are leaving the job

You recently started a new job. Send a letter to your current boss. Explain in the letter that you have a new job and when you will start outlining your tasks in your last weeks of employment expressing gratitude for the opportunity you have been given.

Ask for time off

You work at a company and need to request some time off. Write a letter to your boss. In your letter, please include: Explain why you need time off. Explain when and for how long you will be absent from work. Provide suggestions on how your work could be covered while you are away.

A new resident makes a lot of noise at night

The new tenant in the apartment above you has recently begun to learn the trumpet. He frequently practices late at night, and the noise keeps you awake. Write a letter to the apartment's owner. In the letter, detail the situation, explain how it affects you, and ask the resident to do something.

The item you bought online does not work

You recently made an online purchase. When it was delivered, you discovered that the item did not function properly. Write a letter to the company's manager. Describe the item and the problem in your letter. Explain why the item is significant to you. Tell the management what you want him or her to do.

Ask your friend to look after your pet

You're going abroad next month and need someone to care after your pet fish and plants. Send a letter to a buddy. You mentioned that in your letter.Tell me how long you'll be gone. Describe what needs to be done. Inform them of how they will be reimbursed.

The loud construction

There is work going on near your house, and the noise is bothering you. Send a letter to your city council. Describe the construction of the letter. Explain why the construction bothers you. Tell them what you want them to do about it.

Example letter:

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing you because I and my family are unfortunately disturbed by the noise coming from the construction of a place near our house.The construction started at the building next to our hours on the second floor.  I know that construction is a need and the noise is a side effect that is natural. On the other hand, according to the rumors they are destroying one of their walls to make one of their room larger. As you are well aware, this is forbidden by civil construction laws. The real problem that disturbs, this construction does not work during the legally permitted hours and does an extra one to two more hours in the forbidden hours. Considering the amount of sound and vibration we are exposing, it is damaging our home life by decreasing the quality of time we spend in our home.I would like to know is it possible for you to check the legality of the construction and be sure that the workers comply with the construction hours defined by the laws. I hope that this issue can be resolved promptly.
Cahit Barkın Özer
Grade Level: 10
Reading Level: standard / average.
Reader's Age: 14-15 yrs. old (Ninth to Tenth graders)

I apparently received a 6.5 because I overused the phrases “construction” and “hours” and should have chosen synonyms. Because these are not words that I am familiar with.

The presentation at work

You are scheduled to make a presentation at work at the end of this week, but you are ill and would prefer to reschedule. Write a letter to your boss. According to the letter, explain the presentation. Explain why you will be unable to deliver the presentation on the appointed day. Change the date of your presentation. You intend to go skiing next winter and would want to gather a group of buddies to accompany you.

Skiing invitation to a friend

Send a letter to a friend inviting them to come skiing with you. Invite your friend to attend in the letter. Give specifics about the holiday. Tell your pal what they’ll need to bring with them on vacation.

Neighbour students are having parties

The apartment adjacent to yours has been rented by some students. Their celebrations irritate you, your family, and the other tenants. Write a letter to the apartment’s owner. Describe the problem in your letter. Explain how the issue affects you, your family, and the other renters. Say what you want the apartment’s owner to do.

Losing your wallet on the train

You misplaced your wallet while riding the train back home last week. Some precious items are kept in the wallet. Write to the Station Manager and tell him when and where you left your wallet. Describe the wallet and its contents. Explain how you want to collect the wallet.

Articles (a and the)

The ‘A’ article is used to refer to countable nouns. If the word begins with a vowel, the letter ‘an’ is used.

The article ‘the’ is used for singular, plural, and uncountable nouns:

  • Singular: This is the order number I was given.
  • Plural: The shop assistants who I spoke to were unhelpful.
  • Uncountable: I last saw the luggage when I checked in at Sydney Airport.

With uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns, no articles are used:

  • Apartments in the city centre are expensive (no article before the noun ‘apartments’, meaning that all apartments in the city centre are expensive).

Prepositions (to and for)

Prepositions are used to express time, location, and direction, among other things. Incorrect use of them in a sentence can have an impact on its correctness and overall meaning.

Band 5 writing assessment example

The solution is under the word limit, and some of the work rubric is repeated. (Script length is a common issue with General Training scripts.) Short answers lost marks due to insufficient content and may also lose marks due to insufficient material in the answer for the examiner to provide credit for accuracy and coherence. Despite these issues, the letter’s beginning is suitable, and the writer’s objective is obvious. The points are not always well connected, and the punctuation is occasionally incorrect. The sentences are kept simple, and errors arise when more complicated structures are attempted.

Band 7 Writing Tips

Present one point of view, the opposing point of view, and your viewpoint clearly.

When writing essays, there are four subheadings and a break between paragraphs. These are the introduction, first point of view, second point of view, your viewpoint, and conclusion. Use no bullet points or numbers.

Use linking devices: On the one hand, Whereas, On the other hand, Because, Firstly, Similarly, Another, Finally, However, Despite, Consequently, Although, In conclusion, Regardless, In addition, For example, As a result, Therefore, Undoubtedly.

Be aware of common errors

Articles: Most importantly, they attract tourists and make money for (the) city; visitors get (a) chance.

Subject/verb: agreement because they is (are) not in natural.

Prepositions: Wild animals at (in) their country. Plurals: We frequently see news story (stories).

Punctuation: Most importantly, they attract tourists and make money for the city.

Don’t use memorized phrases such as

  • Controversial topic/hot topic
  • Two-edged sword/double-edged sword/2 sides/faces of a coin
  • In a nutshell
  • I pen down by saying
  • There are pros and cons
  • This essay will discuss
  • Reasons why I hold this view
  • This is a highly controversial/is a highly debated issue
  • Avoid proverbs and clichés — ‘old is gold’
  • To back up your point of view, use real-world examples and evidence from your own life experience. Examiners cannot verify the authenticity of your research and survey examples. Make sure you give a clear stance that is supported by examples from your own life. For instance, country, family, job, and student experience.

Letter or mail structure

  • A greeting (Dear Sir/madam, Dear John, Dear Mr. Smith)
  • The writing purpose opening.
  • The main body gives details and explains what you exactly want (consisting of paragraphs for each part of the letter)
  • A closing (Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, Best wishes, Kind regards, Love)

The Tone

In the examples above, you can see that tone is expressed in different ways, such as choice of language, grammatical structures, and punctuation.

Indirect Questions

In many cases, indirect questions are more formal than direct queries. They begin with a lead-in that softens and politely frames the request or enquiry. As an example:

  • Do you know if you are going to be free to go to the movies tonight?
  • Do you think I should call you before I get to your house?
  • Have you decided when we can study for the test?
  • Can you tell me where the director’s office is?


Salutations based on level of formality
Feel free to add content from your mind

Ending Examples

Combining clauses to make sense

Writing Part 2-Essay

  • Maintain a consistent point of view throughout your writing. The body paragraphs should support the thesis statement in the introduction, and the body paragraphs should be summarized in the conclusion.
  • Make sure each body paragraph has one main theme. The first sentence of each paragraph (the topic sentence) summarizes the major issue. Introduction, one notion, another idea, and which idea you support should be the first three paragraphs.
  • The introduction scheme is as follows: general background, narrow background, and thesis statement.
  • Body scheme: topic sentence, supporting sentences.
  • Conclusion scheme: thesis restatement, a summary of the main ideas, and final comment.
  • Avoid writing too much and instead concentrate on providing a clear and logical response. One candidate has written 268 words, which exceeds the minimum of 250 words. You do not need to write any further.

People are living far longer lives than in the past, putting great strain on government services. What are some of the consequences of an ageing population, and what can governments do to address this issue? Include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience to back up your answer.

Model answer:

People are living longer lives as a result of medical advances and healthier lifestyles, and many countries' populations are ageing.
This presents issues for governments in sustaining an ageing population. This essay will examine the consequences of this dilemma and offer suggestions for how governments might deal with it.

People living longer lives have major consequences for governments, taxpayers, and the elderly. It is normally left to the government to help the elderly and retired members of society. This puts pressure on taxpayers who provide this money to the government and might make older individuals feel as if they no longer contribute to society. Elderly people also require a higher level of care and medical support, thus governments with ageing populations must invest heavily in healthcare facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, and in-home care.

However, practical solutions to these issues are available.
Governments could raise the retirement age and encourage people to work longer hours. This would lower the number of people who rely on government assistance as their primary source of income and provide the elderly with a feeling of purpose. It also means that when people work longer hours, the government will collect more tax income, which may be used to support more health care services for the elderly.

In conclusion, ageing populations place a strain on governments and taxpayers, but governments can mitigate the consequences of this problem by encouraging people to work longer hours. This is a vital measure to ensure that governments take responsibility for their citizens’ health and well-being.


Nouns are frequently used to replace verbs in essay writing. This is known as nominalisation. Nominalisation can improve the academic and conciseness of your work.

I go to the movies every week. → Going to the movies is a weekly habit.

There are three methods for converting verbs to nouns:

Example Topics to Write Essay about

Animals and environment

The development of metropolitan areas has resulted in deforestation and the extinction of numerous animal species. Environmental organizations have urged governments to safeguard these animals.
What are the advantages of animal protection? What actions can governments take to safeguard animals?
Zoos around the world allow visitors to appreciate and learn about animals that they would not normally have the opportunity to view. Despite these advantages, keeping animals in zoos is cruel.
Do you concur?
The remarkable popularity of automobiles over the last century has put the world's ecology in jeopardy. Some scientists, for example, say that motor vehicles are to blame for the world's temperature rising by several degrees over the last few decades.
What drives individuals to acquire cars, and what can we do to prevent them from doing so?
Natural resources are being depleted faster than they can be replenished. As a result, it is critical that items be built to last. Governments should prevent individuals from frequently purchasing new or trendy things.
How much do you agree or disagree?

Health and exercise

Life has gotten lot more hectic in comparison to our parents' generation. As a result, stress-related disorders are on the rise worldwide.
Why is stress such an issue in today's environment, and what do you believe may be done to alleviate the effects of stress?
Acupuncture and herbal medicines are popular forms of traditional medicine in various nations. Traditional medicine practitioners say that it is superior to contemporary treatment in terms of sustaining and enhancing health.
Do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint?
3 An increasing number of children are growing overweight. As a result, regular physical education lessons in primary and intermediate schools should be mandated. To what extent do you concur?
Many people eat fast food on a regular basis.
What is the reason for this?
5 Some individuals believe that going to the gym is one of the most crucial aspects of maintaining excellent health.
Do you believe that people can maintain a healthy lifestyle without going to the gym? What other elements contribute to excellent health?
Some think that exercising alone is preferable.
Are you in agreement or disagreement with this statement?


1 While many students consider online courses as a terrific opportunity, others perceive them as a poor substitute for classroom instruction.
What are the benefits and drawbacks of taking an online course?
Universities are becoming increasingly costly to run. These costs have been compensated in certain nations through taxation. However, this is not always sufficient to sustain university excellence.
What issues can arise when universities lack sufficient funding? Provide alternatives for funding universities.
A growing number of students are pursuing their higher education in other countries. Despite issues such as the financial cost and the challenge of studying in a foreign language, the benefits of studying abroad are frequently deemed to outweigh the drawbacks.
To what extent do you concur?

Government and Society

1 People are living far longer lives than in the past, putting great strain on government services.
What are some of the consequences of an aging population, and what can governments do to address this issue?
Some countries provide financial aid to residents who are retired, unemployed, or disabled. In other nations, these persons are supported by their family.
Discuss both systems and express your thoughts.

Law and Order

1 Adolescent offenders should be treated the same as adult criminals.
Do you agree?
2 Many governments have laws prohibiting the sale and use of harsh drugs such as heroin and cocaine while allowing citizens to freely purchase more socially acceptable drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol. Laws prohibiting the sale and usage of 'hard' drugs should also apply to more widely acceptable drugs like nicotine and alcohol.
What are your thoughts?


Public transportation should be provided for free.
To what extent do you agree?

Science and Technology

Some argue that the Internet is undermining the social skills of teenagers and young adults.Why do you believe the Internet is viewed in this manner, and what can we do to ensure that it does not hinder the social development of teenagers and young adults?
In today's society, the benefits of computers significantly exceed the drawbacks. What are your thoughts?
Human cloning may soon be scientifically feasible. What are the benefits and drawbacks of this?

Travel, Tourism, and Migration

1 Over the last few decades, foreign travel has become more inexpensive, and many individuals now choose to spend their vacations abroad. As a result, several countries are turning tourism into a viable industry. Tourism, while its benefits, can sometimes cause issues.
What are the benefits and drawbacks of tourism?
Many people choose to spend their vacations at home rather than abroad.
What are the benefits and drawbacks of vacationing in your own country?
Every year, millions of individuals migrate from one country to another for a variety of reasons.
Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of migration for individuals and society as a whole.


The influence of global media such as television and computers is closing the cultural gap. The emergence of this global culture is extremely beneficial to the entire world.
How much do you agree with this viewpoint?
Citizens of all rich countries should be required to pay a percentage of their income to citizens of poorer countries to help them meet basic requirements. How much do you agree with this statement?

Language and Culture

It is unavoidable that traditional civilizations will be lost as technology advances. Tradition and technology are irreconcilable; you cannot have both. What percentage of the time do you agree or disagree with this statement?


1 Governments spend a lot of money on art that not everyone likes. This money may be better spent on items that benefit the vast majority of people.
Do you agree?

Business and Money

1 Some people believe that a person's success is mostly determined by how much money they have.
To what extent do you agree?


Many individuals feel that the Olympic Games help the host country significantly, while others believe they are a waste of money.
Discuss both perspectives and express your thoughts.

TV, Music, and Media

1 Children now watch more television than they ever have before.
What are the potential hazards and advantages of this?

Family and Relationships

1 In many traditional civilizations, caring for children is solely the job of the mother. Some have recently advocated that the father's role should be as essential as the mother's role.
How much do you agree or disagree?
Taking a personal DNA test is becoming more popular in several parts of the world.
What motivates certain people to do this? Is this a positive or negative trend?


1 Some argue that the Internet brings people together by shrinking the planet.
Do you agree that the Internet facilitates people's communication with one another?

Urban Areas

1 Cities are rapidly expanding over the world.
What are the primary issues linked with congested cities?
Every year, a big number of people relocate to metropolitan cities to live and work. This is one of the world's most serious issues today.
How much do you agree or disagree?
Because of the tremendous rise in population, most major cities around the world continue to grow at a fantastic rate. As a result, the quality of life in cities has generally declined as the environment has gotten more crowded and polluted.
Give some explanations for this growth and offer some practical answers to the problem.

Question Types

There are 5 question types:

  • Opinion questions: For this question type, it is critical that you have a clear opinion that is presented in your thesis statement and supported throughout your essay.
This essay will argue that + clause
I believe that + clauseIn my opinion, + clauseIt is true that [opposing opinion] but / however [your opinion]Although / While [opposing opinion], [your opinion]Some are of the opinion that [opposing opinion], however, [your opinion]
  • Discussion questions: It is critical to respond to both sides of the subject while answering a discussion question. These opposing viewpoints should be represented in your thesis statement.
This essay will discuss / describe / outline / present
I will discuss / describe / outline / present
  • Discussion with opinion questions: You must debate all sides and express your opinion.
  • A problem question instruction will typically ask about a combination of causes or effects, as well as solutions.
Vehicle emissions cause air pollution. 
Vehicle emissions result in air pollution.
Air pollution is caused by vehicle emissions.
Air pollution is a result of vehicle emissions.
  • Questions with two parts: Two different commands based on the same statement are one example. The first involves your viewpoint, whilst the second requires you to consider and explain other factors.

Do not mix together debate questions and opinion questions:


Hedging refers to the use of words to make your work more careful and precise.

a small number of
It is widely accepted that

Passive Voice

In the opening of an essay, we provide background information first, followed by the thesis statement.

Modal Verbs

Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that incorporate verbs.

Using modal verbs can help you convey your ideas more effectively in your Task 2 essay.

In this part, you will learn how to:

  • can, could, may, might, would, and will are used to express the possibility.
  • could, should, ought to, and must are used to give suggestions or make recommendations.

More examples

My Experience

I took the Academic writing exam and found it to be simple. The first 20 minutes and 150 words were spent commenting on a line chart. The second 40-minute, 250-word segment involved drafting an essay about humans protecting animals. I explain the two opposing points of view and offer my opinion, as well as an introduction and a conclusion. My suggestions were later edited. I thought I’d appreciate an extra ten minutes, but I had everything ready on time and had no big problems.

My Writing Score: 7.0




Cahit Barkin Ozer
Cahit Barkin Ozer

Written by Cahit Barkin Ozer

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